Youth Bubble

Golden Points Productions a non-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization
The mission of Golden Points Productions NFP is to help those who cannot help themselves overcome despair. Working toward empowering people searching for their place impacting the world by combining mentoring, adaptive learning, and professional skills to aid seekers in embracing their potential.
About our Services:
Youth Engage in Ageless Healing Leadership has united with several prestigious and professional core members who offer their time, talent, and skill to us as an in-kind donation to give back to the communty.
Y.E.A.H. offers 6 programs to accentuate the mental spiritual and physical health of our families.
Keep It Moving Studio (K.I.M.S.) is an art therapy studio designed to allow youth and elderly led classes release tension and aggression through focusing on the expression of art. At-rish youth pair up with professional retired art directors in a variety of group sessions to teach diversity, openness, and originality. This course holds 6-8 members and lasts for a 12 month period with participgants being able to show a portfolio of work completed and entering into contests where the winner will be featured in our newsletter.
Action for Aggressive Behavior (A.A.B) is a program for aggressive behavior and is spcially designed to pair individuals together to work with specialists in the field of behavior modification redirection. The mentor will work with member to find the root caus for the easy agitation and come up with an action plan for redirecting the negative energy turning it into a positive outlet.
Main Course (M.C) Who are the M.C.s? They are cullinary and dieticians who work with groups in designing nutritional meals that can be prepared in advance if necessary to balance diets in efforts or reducing current or future health issues due to unhealthy eating. This program runs for 6 months where meals will be preplanned and changed seasonally to diversify the palet. Fresh fruits, herbs, spices and vegetables will be harvested from local farmers, hoop houses, and community gardens.These gardens are maintained without the use of chemicals or genetically modified/engineered products. Seats are limited to 6 per semester.
The Gamers Study: Fully operational game room where members can play solo or play in a group engaging in mental stimulation of enclosed activities. There is a chess tournament held int he gamers study that brings the park champions indoors to split second turnaround games. The room also has ping pong, a pool ( billiards) table and the latest home gaming systems including XBox One, Playstation 3, Wii, and Tablet with touch screen technologies. Don't like finger play? Board games are also available such as Jenga, Charades, Chutes and Ladders, Connect Four, Checkers and the Big Taboo, Go Fish, Spades, Gin, and Poker all of which there is no gambling allowed. There is something for everyone.
Lawn Care Services: A unique opportunity to put our youth and our community to work. Teens and young adults improve their skills while learning a life changing trade enabling them to make a difference in the world around them. Golden Points offers this skill to te community to build relationships and to help improve living conditions. Employees of Golden Points enjoy working with their hands and gardening. They take pride in their work and in seeing the community around them exemplify beauty by their hands. Golden Points would like to continue it's field training and operations by allowing employees an opportunity to earn a fair wage.
Youth Bubble Basketball Camp: After care and summer camp program aimed at gaining opportunities to work with youth of various ages offering mentoring, guiding, and a healthy way to get youth moving through sports and activities. Participants are challenged mentally and physically to push themselves and their limits to gain strength and improve technique. Participants also learn to work together to support teamwork and boding. This opportunity helps condition the body and strengthen bonds found between cohorts. Youth Bubble Summer Camp begins as soon as school ends and extends through the first week of August. Youth participating in this program are offered a school supply kit at the end of August to help aid the beginning of their new school year.