Youth Bubble

Golden Points Productions a non-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization
The mission of Golden Points Productions NFP is to help those who cannot help themselves overcome despair. Working toward empowering people searching for their place impacting the world by combining mentoring, adaptive learning, and professional skills to aid seekers in embracing their potential.
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Youth Engaged in Ageless Healing Leadership ( Y.E.A.H.)
Youth Engaged In ageless Healing (Y.E.A.H.) is a program designed to provide mentoring to middle, high school aged and our elderly residents in the Chicagoland area. Designed to peak the interest of youth by creating a partnership guided by our retired elderly professional volunteers to coorelate the importance of utilizing our natural resources to eliminate waste and to make our space a green space by teaching gardening and modern farming techniques, art therapy, and entertainment through social interaction and gaming.

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Youth Bubble Camp

This program will serve as a guide to aid the development of youth in the sport of basketball. Serving as a way to evaluate the programs effectiveness in recreational sports activities. The organization provides services for underserved communities. We hope to instill strong moral values, patience, encouragement, confidence, hard work and dedication in all who attend our programs.
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Youth-Adult Partnership
What we believe is that a strong foundation is the key to building a brighter future. Aging is simply a sign of life and it is our belief that life travels in a full circle while we love being young we value and can appreciate growing older and wiser. We must cherish the life and love given from those who have experienced life first. We must give back to our communities in order to make a brighter future for today's youth.

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Youth Development

Youth Engaged in Ageless Healing Leadership wil focus on bridging the gap between the aged and the youth. We want to make a peaceful learning environment inviting all to participate. We feel that the youth are out of touch with their elders and need them to realize the importance of caring for someone else as well as preparing themselves for a green future.
Program Evaluation
This program intends to match a youth with a mentor for a minimum of 6 months giving them time to work together to get to know one another as well as to teach them about longevity in building relationships and co-dependence. This planned action will help build strong intrapersonal skills between the youth and the mentor as we strive for the best possible outcomes. The mentors will be consitently updated on new trainings throughout their time as a mentor to the youth. Participation of youth requires special permissions from guardians before beginning the program. Over time we hope to establish a learning environment wher ethe youth and the mentor have developed an inseparable bond that will allow them to grow, learn and be more aware of their contributions to their community.
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Golden Points Productions offers it's services towards:
Substance Abuse,
Technology and Leadership seminars. Contact us to find out more about our Seminar services